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Chest Release to Correct Posture and Open Up Tight Pecs

Chest Release to Correct Posture and Open Up Tight Pecs

Correct slouched posture by releasing chest muscles using sFera massage balls. Trigger Points in the Pectoralis Major and Minor cause tightness and shortening of this muscle group. As a result the shoulders are being pulled forward creating a round-shouldered posture and sponsoring Trigger Point creation in the back muscles. It is needless to say that hours spent behind the computer with bad posture (head forward, shoulders rounded) are detrimental to the health of the Pectoralis Major and Pectoralis Minor. Young mothers are also at risk of developing Trigger Points in this area as they are nursing and caring for the baby. Carrying a heavy backpack that makes you lean forward to lighten the weight of the load can be another

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Forearm and Hand Release to Relieve Wrist, Elbow and Hand Pain

Forearm and Hand Release to Relieve Wrist, Elbow and Hand Pain

Release trigger points in the forearm muscles to relieve wrist, elbow and hand pain. You will need a wall to lean on, a table and sFera Massage Balls. Of all the muscles that you have thoughts about releasing forearms are probably the last ones. In fact, many people are not aware of any tightness or muscle knots in their forearms until they discover pain in the elbow or wrist. Many people live many years with occasional numbness or tingling in their fingers without ever giving these symptoms any attention. “Tennis elbow” and “carpal tunnel syndrome” are two terms that get thrown around a lot if there is any pain in the elbow or wrist. However, all of these symptoms can

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Upper Arm Myofascial and Trigger Point Release to Increase Range of Motion and Relieve Pain

Upper Arm Myofascial and Trigger Point Release to Increase Range of Motion and Relieve Pain

Simple self-massage for the upper arm muscles (deltoid, triceps, biceps and brachialis) to increase range of motion, speed up athletic recovery and relieve shoulder and elbow pain. You will need a wall to lean on and sFera Massage Balls. Trigger Points in the Muscles of the Arm often refer pain to the hand and elbow. Any injury, repetitive stress in the workplace, carrying heavy bags or lifting weights can set up Trigger Points in this area. The pain from the Triceps, Biceps and Brachialis Trigger Points will often manifest itself in the elbow making most daily activities very uncomfortable. Benefits of the Upper Arm Muscle Release Improve athletic performance and prepare muscle for strengthening. Relieve elbow and shoulder pain. Increase

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Infraspinatus Trigger Point Release to Relieve Front Shoulder Pain

Infraspinatus Trigger Point Release to Relieve Front Shoulder Pain

Increase range of motion in the shoulder area by releasing active and latent Trigger Points in the Infraspinatus and Teres Minor muscles. You will need sFera massage balls to perform this release. Both Infraspinatus and Teres Minor are rotator cuff muscles and they play a huge role in our ability to lift and rotate our arm. Trigger Points in the Infraspinatus cause deep ache in front of the shoulder that feels as it was coming from inside the shoulder joint. Tightness in the Infraspinatus that harbors active Trigger Points usually causes tightness in the other rotator cuff muscles. When not treated, this rigidity can cause “frozen shoulder” symptoms that completely limit the movement of the arm. Working at a job

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Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain by Releasing Trapezius and Supraspinatus

Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain by Releasing Trapezius and Supraspinatus

Find relief from neck and shoulder pain by releasing Trigger Points in the Supraspinatus and top portion of the Trapezius muscle. You will need a wall corner and sFera Massage Balls. Supraspinatus is a small muscle buried under a thick fold of the Trapezius muscle above the spine of the shoulder blade. This muscle is a little awkward to get to but it is definitely worth the effort that you will put into accessing it. Trigger Points in the Supraspinatus as well as the Trapezius (which covers this small muscle) can be the primary cause of deep shoulder pain and tightness in the neck area. Carrying heavy loads with straight arms or working with the arms overhead for long periods

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Head and Neck Release to Relieve Tension Headaches

Head and Neck Release to Relieve Tension Headaches

There are many small muscles on the back of the neck that are key players in the movement of the neck and head. Covering each muscle individually goes outside of the scope of this guide. Trigger Points in different neck muscles that can be accessed safely and  effectively by massage with sFera balls are localized near the base of the skull. All of these Trigger Points will cause pain in different parts of the head ranging from deep migraines to temple headaches. They can also be a source of stiffness in the neck. Suboccipital Muscles are a group of small muscles at the base of the skull that usually harbor numerous Trigger Points even in people who do not suffer

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Tight Back Release and Stretch to Relieve Back Pain and Improve Posture

Tight Back Release and Stretch to Relieve Back Pain and Improve Posture

Is your back tight? Do you want to improve your posture? This trigger point and self-myofascial release technique will help you release muscle knots in the paraspinals (muscles that run along the spine.) You will need sFera Massage Balls. Exercises in this video will help you open up your back and enjoy more flexibility in your torso. It’s a great idea to follow up this video with a core training workout (try this one) to create a strong foundation in your body and prevent future episodes of back pain. All spinal muscles become extremely vulnerable if the abdominal muscles are weak and deconditioned. Any sudden movement, bad twist, heavy lifting (especially with a bad technique) can cause an injury to

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Trapezius Release for Upper Back and Neck Pain Relief

Trapezius Release for Upper Back and Neck Pain Relief

Relieve tightness and pain in the upper back and neck area by releasing Trigger Points in the Trapezius muscle. You will need sFera Massage Balls. Trapezius release will help you relief tension in the upper back area caused by emotional stress, poor posture and hours of computer work or driving. These simple exercises will help you find lightness and openness in the upper back area. Your posture will improve and you will be better prepared for any form of exercise. Benefits of the Trapezius Trigger Point Release Release tension associated with emotional stress Relieve pain in the neck and midback Relieve tension headaches

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Fast Trapezius Trigger Point Release to Relieve Upper Back and Neck Pain

Fast Trapezius Trigger Point Release to Relieve Upper Back and Neck Pain

Do you tend to keep your stress in your shoulders? Do you keep your shoulders up while working on the computer? If you answered “yes” then you will benefit from this video. In this video you will learn to release the Trapezius and Levator Scapulae muscles of the upper back. Use this simple self-massage technique to relieve pain in the neck, the base of the skull as well as the burning sensation in the mid back. You will need a wall to lean on and sFera Massage Balls. Most of the people will benefit from a daily release of the Trigger Points in the Trapezius to counteract negative effects of their lifestyle, release emotional stress and correct postural alignment (eliminate

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Upper Back Pain Relief Using Trigger Point Release

Upper Back Pain Relief Using Trigger Point Release

These upper back release exercises will help you find relief from chronic pain and tightness in the upper back and neck area. You will need sFera massage balls. We will be working on releasing Trigger Points in the following muscles: Rhomboids, Trapezius, Serratus Posterior Superior. Tightness in the upper back area is often the result of tightness/trigger points in the chest muscles. For best results perform a chest release before starting this video. Benefits of the Rhomboids Release Relieve pain around the shoulder blade Release tension in the upper back area Improve posture

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