Find relief from neck and shoulder pain by releasing Trigger Points in the Supraspinatus and top portion of the Trapezius muscle. You will need a wall corner and sFera Massage Balls.
Supraspinatus is a small muscle buried under a thick fold of the Trapezius muscle above the spine of the shoulder blade. This muscle is a little awkward to get to but it is definitely worth the effort that you will put into accessing it. Trigger Points in the Supraspinatus as well as the Trapezius (which covers this small muscle) can be the primary cause of deep shoulder pain and tightness in the neck area.
Carrying heavy loads with straight arms or working with the arms overhead for long periods of time (for example painting) easily set off Trigger Points in this important muscle.
Benefits of Supraspinatus Release
- Relieve pain in the outer shoulder
- Increase range of motion in the shoulder joint