Effective release for the hip and outer thigh pain and tightness using sFera massage balls.
Benefits of the TFL Release
- Reduce hip stiffness
- Reduce hip pain while walking and sitting
- Prevent and help relieve IT Band Syndrome
- Relieve hip and outer thigh pain
- Improve body alignment
Instead of rolling out your IT Band perform this release followed by the Quadriceps release to relieve pain and tightness in the outer thigh and outer side of the knee.
Trigger Points in the TFL muscle can cause hip stiffness (particularly in the morning), alter body alignment by tilting the pelvis forward (excess lower back curve) or sideways (creating a “short leg” effect.) These Trigger Points can get worse if you tend to sleep on your side with the knees up (put a pillow between the knees) or sit for long periods of time.